Theophrastus Paracelsus

Shake before use (stir) to precipitate fell into the body. Taken once a day: morning, fasting, 1 hour before meals. The course of treatment – 6 – 12 months. Recommended in the treatment of cancer. 2. reception. 50 mg. Powder Frost put in your mouth, then drink warm water in the morning on an empty stomach for 1-2 hours before eating 1 per day.

The course of treatment from 1 to 6 or 12 months. Duration of treatment depends on what the person wishes to receive: lose weight, cleanse, improve the functioning of the liver, heart, etc. This method is recommended in most cases. As a precaution, taking hellebore is best done in the form of monthly courses in the spring and autumn. 3. 50 mg. hellebore powder mix with a quarter a teaspoon of honey. Eat before going to sleep in 22-23 hours.

In the morning, 7-8 hours – will be an independent chair. This method helps to normalize nervous system function, promotes the normalization of stool, cleaning the urinary tract of sand, normalizes the function of the liver, cleanses the blood and cure skin diseases. The course of treatment from 1 to 6 months or more. You can choose any of these ways, most convenient to you. Frost can be taken with other herbs. Recommend test and ancient recipes of hellebore. But hoping for hellebore do not forget about proper nutrition, movement, thinking, etc. as a Frost 'Cleansing BLOOD' Many priests druids follows purify the blood. They gradually learn to have leaves of hellebore belotsvetnogo (winterer) – Helleborus niger – or just dried them in the shade and mixed with an equal amount of sugar. Thus the body gets used to the hellebore, which loses its laxative effect and continues only to renew and purify the blood. A mixture of it with sugar should follow one after another, no more than a week, starting with very small amounts and earnings of up to 4 g at the end. Through this they reach the ripe old age and until the last days do not know of any internal or external illnesses. Frost is an excellent cure for many diseases. It promotes rapid removal from the body of all toxic products decay. You can also bake the leaves and root of the hellebore in rye bread to make the powder more pleasant taste. At the end of baking need to turn the root into a powder and given to patients on 2 g per reception, and more robust patients and more (to take before eating). In ancient times, took all the plant entirely, frayed into a powder in the same proportion (2 g per reception). Such treatment was widespread among the Romans, they also chopped root, cooked it with meat, preparing the soup. In conclusion, we present an original recipe of a medieval alchemist and mystic Theophrastus Paracelsus (1493 – 1541). To do this you need to take root hellebore belotsvetnogo, finely chop it and fill them apples, be sure to ripped the night. In the morning on a slow fire to bake an apple, remove it from the contents, which then turned into powder. This powder should take 2 g before meals, especially in spring and autumn. Besides the treatment of mental illness, it is tool recovers tissue, cleanses the blood and prolongs life.

The Dreams

The man does not characterize itself for its body, nor for determined physical properties, but for its way to exist different of the other beings. Of this place, where the family is located, we will be able to infer that the essence is its existence, different of other human groups. The family if lives deeply only same itself as something, integrated for projects, expectations, frustrations, difficulties, reflections and joys. (THIN, 2003 P. 98). When it appears the family, couple, father or substitute mother/and filho/a, each member constitutes that it is searching to become possible its existence. For a each integrant that the deep one, is a new stage in its personal life and at the same time new reception system of the beginning to the familiar life. In accordance with Thin (2003), the members participate with its ways of being and living learned and developed in its family of biological, adoptive, substitute origin or extensive groups, that the person recognizes as its.

This history of familiar life becomes possible because its integrant ones share a world where experiences and experiences of daily the familiar one can perceive members changing. The birth of a child in the familiar seio almost always is waited with much expectation, since the dreams not yet carried through by the members of the family, frequently is projected for this baby, for times, before exactly of being born. According to Dessen (2002), the birth of the baby with SD consists of a narcsico blow for its familiar ones, not taking care of to the previous expectations of the parents, causing diverse reactions around this child, as the feeling of guilt, loss, isolation, depression, among others. Silva and Dessen (2003) tell that, since the moment of the diagnosis, until the acceptance of the child with SD, the family a long process lives. The feelings go since the shock, negation, anger, revolt and rejection, until the construction of a familiar environment more chemical preparation to include this child.


Language and reality interact dynamically. The understanding of the text to be reached by its critical reading implies the perception of the relations between the text and contexto’ ‘ (Freire, 1981). We need to have the courage to develop a work that if more disentails of the restricted concern the specific contents, that the understanding of several of these contents becomes simultaneously possible, and than this, that if uses texts that, for its understanding, demands knowledge that if interlace. There yes, who knows, will be developing logical reasoning, capacity to abstract; even though we could find connections between the most varied knowledge, we could to find applications, practical, pregnant examples of significaes. I risk to say exactly, that without a theoretical recital still, or empiricist: ‘ ‘ Who reads well, reads any that either the text and on the other hand can understand any well that either the text, qui until the text matemtico’ ‘. Still is the one simple conjectura, who knows is not subject of a future work? The modern life is a net: information are crossed, are interlaced; our daily one is repleto of fancy and reality. The Physics already is ‘ ‘ relativa’ ‘ ; the geometrias do not have of being necessarily Euclidean; biology if mixture to engineerings; the scientific world confirms forecasts of the fiction; the realities also can be virtual and if to mesclarem. Information pass through to the speed of the light, entangle, are completed. Under this light, our work of educator is dynamic, is in constant mutation, has of being dynamic, has of being.


During the time of metaphysics, the history of the being is repassed by one pressed time essence. A space is not commanded nor parallel to this situated time nor inside of it. The relation that comes of metaphysics and that it looks for to penetrate in the reference of the truth of the being to the human being is conceived as understanding. The understanding is the played static project, wants to say, the insistent project in the scope of the opened one. The preface of Being and Time, in the first page of the treated one, locks up with the phrases: ' ' The concrete elaboration of the question of the direction of ' ' ser' ' it is the objective of the present work. Its provisory end and to supply an interpretation of the time as horizon of all possible understanding of ser' ' The philosophy could not bring easily a clearer test to be able it of the esquecimento of the being where all it disappeared? esquecimento that, however, if became and remained the challenge inherited for the thought of Being and Time? of what sonmbula security with that it passed for high the authentic and only question of Being and Time. Being that metaphysics says what is the being while the being.

Metaphysics if puts into motion in the scope of n He n. Metaphysics, however, represents the entity of the being in two ways: of a side the totality of the being while such, in the direction of the traces most general (n Kathlou, Koinn); of another one, however, and the same, the totality of the being while such, in the direction of the supreme being and therefore the holy ghost (n Kathtou, akrtaton, theion). a>. In Aristotle the desvelamento of the being while such properly was projected in this double direction (vide Metaphysical, books XI, V and X).

Fraternity And Public Health

Quaresma is time of reflection, conjunct, jejum, penance, conversion, therefore every year in this period, the CNBB (National conference of the Bishops of Brazil) carries through the Campaign of the Fraternity. Its objective is to take the people to reflect on one definitive subject, generally problems that affect all society. After seeing and judging the problem, we are invited to leave for a concrete action that brings solution for the argued problem. In this year of 2012 the CNBB chose the subject ' ' Fraternity and Pblica&#039 Health; ' the Motto ' ' That the health if spreads out on terra' ' , and it could not have better chosen another one, therefore all we know and many of us we feel in the day the day the consequences of the chaos that if finds the public health in our country. We know that Jesus came to the world so that ' ' all have life and life plenamente' ' we unhappyly witness every day brothers suffering in the long lines that if extend for the sidewalk of this immense Brazil it waits to obtain a consultation or a medicine that can alliviate to its pain or the pain of a dear being. Every day in them we come across with the pain and the suffering of people who if feel when seeing its familiar ones impotent or friends dying in the stream beds and even though in the corridors of the hospitals due to attendance. Until when we will have that to coexist the indifference of a Country that if says Christian, but that if it does not matter with whom they suffer and they die every day because unscrupulous politicians had deviated the public money that could be applied in the construction and the improvement of the hospitals or the medicine purchase? Until when we will have that to see the money public being deviated while it is lacking doctors in the hospitals and the ranks of health of this Country? The public health is sick, and worse it is that the remedy for its recovery depends on the comprometimento of ours politicians with the welfare of its people; It depends very on the honesty of that we choose we stop representing in them. While the public health continues sick, we can and we must make our part.

We exactly know thousand of professionals of the health whom if they donate, earning little, because it obtains to see in the person of the sick person, the proper Christ who suffers. They are acolhedores and, when they do not have what to make, because it lacks conditions to them, are capable to give to affection and love. we know worse that the pain caused for the illness is the pain caused for the lack of love, affection and attention. When the patient feels security in the professional receives who it, the cure process is sped up and the barriers fall for land. Everything is more easy. The professional of the health must always act as the Good Samaritano, treating the sick person always with affection and love, therefore such attitudes make to resurge in the sick person the hope of the cure. That all the professionals of the health can espelhar in the holy ghost Master Jesus, the Doctor of the doctors. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Vadim Belyaev and gain more knowledge.. Jesus cured the patient in its totality: physically, spiritual, psychologically and emotionally, because It came ' ' so that all have life plenamente' '. Joo Vitor Mariano Ura – Paran


Depression – what is it? Depression – is not just a fleeting melancholy, but serious disorder that often interferes with a person cope with everyday activities. You experience severe pain, but do not know where you hurt. You feel fear, but do not know what fear. And worst of all – you do not want to talk about it. Although depression is sometimes obvious cause, the disease often attacks the man out of the blue.

And your life suddenly, for no apparent reason though overshadowed by a cloud obscured the sky. In depression there is nothing to be ashamed. However, one patient is divided into: 'Eight years have passed, and I'm still ashamed of itself. " The hardest thing is to relieve emotional pain. 'Flour is sometimes so strong that I feel the pain physically. It hurts every muscle in my body. " At such times it is almost impossible to lift yourself out of bed.

TYPES OF DEPRESSION: The effectiveness of a treatment depends on the type of depression, manic-depressive psychosis. Proceeds in the form of prolonged periods of high (mania) and low (depressed) moods. Dysthymia, although not as serious as major depression, still knocks people off balance. Y result of a lack of sunlight in fall and winter. Takes place usually in the spring or summer. Choice of treatment depends on symptoms and disease severity. You can seek advice from your physician, but someone needed help specialist doctor. Your doctor may prescribe antidepressants or something else. Some herbs can be treated successfully, others have helped to change in diet or physical exercises. Common Errors friends who do not have medical education, can advise which treatment to use, and what does not. Sometimes they try to dissuade from taking prescribed medications and are agitating for the grass. Or believe that nothing should be taken. Be careful. Make sure the tips you follow, come from a trusted source. In the end, the choice of treatment for you. Therefore, learn as much as possible. Disappointment leads to the fact that patients drop out of treatment, for example due to side effects or perceived irrelevance. Be careful. Treatment is unlikely to succeed without a good understanding between patient and physician. Frankly tell your doctor about all your concerns. forget how bad they felt before. Be careful. The abrupt discontinuation of medication without consulting a physician can have serious, even life-threatening consequences.

Golf Tournament

‘Golf & Spa de luxe’ in the only 5 star L hotel in the province of Padua In the Abano Grand Hotel * L, the most exclusive luxury Hotel Abano Terme, feel even the most demanding connoisseurs all around. Ambience and style of living, cuisine and service, Spa and wellness are in this flagship address of unique quality and perfect harmony. Abano Grand Hotel is like an oasis in the midst of a weitlaufigenParks with Palm and olive trees in the Centre of the spa town of Abano Terme. The 2,500 m2 Spa area offers on two floors classical treatments with mud and thermal waters as well as physio – and aromatherapy, various massage techniques and special facial and body treatments. The Golf Club Frassanelle, Montecchia and Padova are located in the immediate vicinity of Abano. Abano Grand Hotel offers the perfect opportunity for the preparation and follow-up of the golf game. Targeted training of the aerobic or cardiovascular efficiency are in addition to the treatment program in the completely new and modern equipped fitness centre allows.

The day at the Green hotel of ala carte sounds in the restaurant of the Abano Grand”with exquisite culinary delights. The 3rd golf tournament of the GB Therma held hotels from 13-16 November 2008. 18 holes Stableford, handicap 3 categories Friday, the 14 in the morning: stretching at the gym for the training day on the GC Montecchia afternoon golfers: relaxation exercises for the muscles in the thermal water in the evening: fashion show at Abano Grand Hotel Saturday, the 15 GB Therma hotels 3. tournament in the GC Montecchia Award and aperitif at Abano Grand Hotel Gala dinner at Abano Grand Hotel for all participants of exclusive evening with live music at the Victoria Club. 1 gross: 7 nights with full Board for two persons in the Abano Grand Hotel 1 NET: 5 nights in full Board for two persons in the Hotel Trieste & Victoria 2 NET: 2 nights with full Board for two persons in the hotel due Torri 3 NET: Oriental thermal spa experience at Hotel Metropolis for a person also draw of prizes prices in per person double room price for accompaniment Supplement Abano Grand Hotel * L 515 390 30 more info: GB THERMAE hotel I-35031 Abano Terme (PD), via P. D’abano 1 Tel. + 39 049-8665800 E-Mail: Web:

Permanent Hair Removal

Worth reading information about permanent hair removal in recent years more and more people removing their hair. The subject is an increasingly important aspect in life beauty and wellness for women as well as men. Nowadays, there are many different methods for hair removal on the market. When it comes to beauty and wellness, especially on the subject of hair removal, there are 2 types, the permanent and the temporary. Among the professionals, it is also known as epilation and depilation.

More than of the women and men prefer the permanent or permanent method of hair removal. Currently, there are different methods for permanent hair removal. It is important for the method choose which is best suited for you. In contrast to the temporary hair removal, permanent hair removal has far more advantages. Experts are of the opinion that the demand over the coming years will become bigger and bigger. s here’s a few details of the permanent hair removal: permanent hair removal is the method of epilation, whereby the hair with the Velvet Hair roots is removed. There are many devices that you can permanently remove hair. You can buy these devices in shops, as well as on various websites.

Which method for you is right, depends on all your preferences and the cost and effort you want to enter. You can obtain advice from an expert on the different methods. There are four following methods, for permanent hair removal permanent methods 1 electrolysis, a thin metal probe is pushed to the hair follicle and iterate through the power. That hair is thus permanently damaged and fails. One of the most popular alternatives to the laser hair removal is electrolysis. Electrolysis hair removal is an electrical voltage to a fine needle in a single root. The electric current, indeed burn the roots of your hair, and it inhibits before re production of hair. While the electrolysis permanent hair removal results, it is a slow, laborious process and requires several sessions around the hair follicles to destroy completely. In addition there are still small uniform guidelines for the admission of qualified electrolysis so that it is difficult to use the device at home devices. 2. laser when the laser treatment is delivered light at a specific wavelength of the laser directly on the skin. The laser treats only the dark pigments in the hair, what causes a thermal or mechanical damage and damages the hair only on the hair follicle. Hair removal is reduction of unwanted hair by laser not only effectively permanently, but it is also very cheap. Smaller areas are treated in 10 minutes or less, and you can continue your daily routine after the treatment. 3. flashlight that works almost like a laser flash lamp. Only at this treatment of full spectrum light and low infrared light used to destroy the pigment of the hair. The light enters a specific wavelength on the skin. 4.Verschreibungspflichtige medicines there are prescription drugs, the hair growth affect. They prevent the hair re-growth of hair, but it is important that you consult your doctor first before taking these medicines. Permanent hair removal can be reached by these four alternative. But, the best alternative is the laser method and that there is a worthy and authentic product, who is known as Rio scanning laser.

Jennifer Rostock

Glasvegas Osnabrucker band from Osnabruck label timezone published therapy centre have been a quite remarkable band history when you consider that the four musicians – at least partly – press still school and next spring make the ABI. founded in 2004 and after your first gigs already by the producer and studio owner Matthias lane Driscoll (Safkan, Morgentot, Boozed) discovered and promoted, with Radioacts such as Thomas Godoj, Jennifer was Rostock and dog eat dog on a stage. In 2009 – after more than 50 live gigs and some sampler contributions – began the recording of the Studio album on October 1, 2010 in risks and side effects. During the recording, Gianna applied (singer of the band) and your three comrades at the Osnabruck record label timezone. A short time later contracts were made and the release was finalised. Risks and side effects is a power-pop production with raucous rocking guitars, catchy songs in the style of Jennifer Rostock and a very individual voice of power woman Gianna. The album includes 12 songs plus a bonus track, which was recorded with the rapper JFK. For the song, I don’t want a single will appear in December 2010 that music video is already on the Internet on the known networks.

Furniture Chests

Reduced prices on dressers from Mega Furniture! The company "Mega Furniture Chests reduces prices up to the limit. Prices – from 3300 rubles. Handy thing to fold things stand, cosmetics and books. Chests of drawers decorated interior, occupied by a small the amount of space in the room and have a great demand among Middle static people in Russia and other countries. Perfect for women or girls in the house, if you have to hang a mirror – may well get a place for cosmetics, creams, and other male and female hygiene products. We suggest you view the new collection on the site -.

It is best to choose a chest of drawers brown or light brown in color. Since they are perfectly suited to any the interior of your room. In this collection of dressers are very beautiful, and made in the style of expensive dressers wealthy homes of past centuries, highlighting the efficiency of your home. The collection offers a wide range, as expensive and cheap dressers. Select a chest of drawers for your taste, which is perfectly decorate the interior of your room. We are always ready to take your order, call 970-09-61 or 8 (963) 710-86-77. The company "Mega Furniture" works in the domestic market for over 14 years. We offer an individual approach to each client, the staff of our company will advise you and answer any questions.

Upholstered furniture – this is the 'soul' living room to a large extent determines its shape. Furniture – this is not just beautiful, but cozy and comfortable! Depending on the level of wealth owners of the apartment, furniture can be an elite, design, class 'luxury', or low-cost, economy class. Upholstered furniture 'Megamebeli' – this sets upholstered furniture, evroknizhki, corner sofas, sofas, office furniture, accessories, beds, chairs, children's sofas. Upholstered furniture – this is the 'soul' living room to a large extent determines its shape. Upholstered furniture – it not just beautiful, but cozy and comfortable! Depending on the level of wealth owners of the apartment, furniture can be an elite, design, class 'luxury', or low-cost, economy class. Upholstered furniture 'Megamebeli' – this sets upholstered furniture, evroknizhki, corner sofas, sofas, office furniture, accessories, beds, chairs, children's sofas.