6) Mood tries to all keep a good balance of the good feeling and its speech, unless you are a fulfilled comedian! 7) He always strengthens yourself to keep its clean and incisive jokes, and to prevent jokes less adult type or language than you are very carried through in making this of a form that prevents adult words clearly sexual or. 8) He prevents remembering relationships passed with any of the parts whichever, this is its special day to firmly keep it focado in all the good aspects and bem-humorado of its lives. 9) She tries to prepare its speech with antecedence, writes it and later practising it in the front of a mirror some times before or friends/family before the great day arrives so that you can Polish until the presentation. 10) Better lady finishes it with a toast to just-married better/the man/parents of just-married etc is some Here other useful points to also remain itself in mind. She tries not to walk in different directions when giving its speech – she is everything of good and to mix mood well and to remember old memories, but she keeps its centered speech and flowing – is therefore that the writing and to practise it with antecedence is always a useful part of the advice. To always be conscientious of its hearing – she does not pierce them to sleep or to divagar on and on.
She worse does not have nothing of what being in feeling a thus entediado and unhappy happy event because some relative or another one is muttering some incoherent bobagem. You prevent to drink much alcohol before its speech you do not import the nervous quo you can feel – the alcohol not only to supply some dutch momentnea courage, also entorpece many of ours other directions this important moment. Aguardente its favourite drink must be enough for giving the impulse to it that you need, but remembers to make this only about 10 minutes before its speech must. Speeches of the marriage are normally anticipated in some point during the ceremony of marriage or reception, but generally it is better to leave it until its guests have at least had the possibility to take a drink or two of its proper ones before getting itself prepared to be set free on them with its wisdom and literary largeness!