The Acceptance

– The social malaise also is sicoptico Of natural way some people have abilities that make the relations easy, but in spite of this facility also they can feel certain malaise sometimes. Abilities like the empathy, that is to say being able to put themselves in the place of the other, can have their indirect effect. If one perceives easily how the others feel, it will be able to be oppressed frequently because it will look for to be able not to bother, not to generate conflict or to avoid that it is erased to him of something negative. It is easy that in spite of the social success the malaise levels are higher than would be desirable. Especially during the adolescence to be capable socially cannot be very traumatic.

This time of the life the group becomes referring the main one. To be rejected is hard and usually has great future repercussion. For that reason an adolescent usually is so noticeable and usually is so faithful to his group of friendships. The acceptance necessity becomes some cases in the tyranny of the acceptance. In the continuous one of social anxiety, we can value from the precise experiences of social anxiety to the social phobia.

First it is common in all the people, the phobia is much more minority but relatively frequent in the general population, between 3 and a 13% according to different studies. When the malaise becomes bloqueante, that is to say, when the person avoids social situations recurrently not to be bad in spite of wishing the relations, it is then when she becomes necessary to put means to confront the problem. Otherwise this malaise can increase and in addition to become general to other situations. Sometimes the people use different strategies to get rid short term of the malaise, for example: to speak to avoid uncomfortable silencios much, to look for the company of the people who give more confidence him within a group, to shut up themselves not to fall in ridiculous situation, not to ask doubts not to seem ignorant what more usually it is avoided Generally is to be the attention center, is by which situations as to speak in public they can get to be very angustiantes.