Quaresma is time of reflection, conjunct, jejum, penance, conversion, therefore every year in this period, the CNBB (National conference of the Bishops of Brazil) carries through the Campaign of the Fraternity. Its objective is to take the people to reflect on one definitive subject, generally problems that affect all society. After seeing and judging the problem, we are invited to leave for a concrete action that brings solution for the argued problem. In this year of 2012 the CNBB chose the subject ' ' Fraternity and Pblica' Health; ' the Motto ' ' That the health if spreads out on terra' ' , and it could not have better chosen another one, therefore all we know and many of us we feel in the day the day the consequences of the chaos that if finds the public health in our country. We know that Jesus came to the world so that ' ' all have life and life plenamente' ' we unhappyly witness every day brothers suffering in the long lines that if extend for the sidewalk of this immense Brazil it waits to obtain a consultation or a medicine that can alliviate to its pain or the pain of a dear being. Every day in them we come across with the pain and the suffering of people who if feel when seeing its familiar ones impotent or friends dying in the stream beds and even though in the corridors of the hospitals due to attendance. Until when we will have that to coexist the indifference of a Country that if says Christian, but that if it does not matter with whom they suffer and they die every day because unscrupulous politicians had deviated the public money that could be applied in the construction and the improvement of the hospitals or the medicine purchase? Until when we will have that to see the money public being deviated while it is lacking doctors in the hospitals and the ranks of health of this Country? The public health is sick, and worse it is that the remedy for its recovery depends on the comprometimento of ours politicians with the welfare of its people; It depends very on the honesty of that we choose we stop representing in them. While the public health continues sick, we can and we must make our part.
We exactly know thousand of professionals of the health whom if they donate, earning little, because it obtains to see in the person of the sick person, the proper Christ who suffers. They are acolhedores and, when they do not have what to make, because it lacks conditions to them, are capable to give to affection and love. we know worse that the pain caused for the illness is the pain caused for the lack of love, affection and attention. When the patient feels security in the professional receives who it, the cure process is sped up and the barriers fall for land. Everything is more easy. The professional of the health must always act as the Good Samaritano, treating the sick person always with affection and love, therefore such attitudes make to resurge in the sick person the hope of the cure. That all the professionals of the health can espelhar in the holy ghost Master Jesus, the Doctor of the doctors. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Vadim Belyaev and gain more knowledge.. Jesus cured the patient in its totality: physically, spiritual, psychologically and emotionally, because It came ' ' so that all have life plenamente' '. Joo Vitor Mariano Ura – Paran